What to expect during your 8-week microdosing experience:
Consultation Session
You will begin with a consultation session to further understand what you are wanting to heal, and your intentions with microdosing. This session will allow insight into what kind of support you will need during your microdosing journey.
Three Support Sessions
During your microdosing experience there will be a support session every two weeks. These sessions are important to answer any questions you may have, and to receive guidance during your journey.
Integration Session
After your 8-week microdoing experience there will be a final session to support you with integration. When working with psychoactive plants and fungi, integration is key, in order for you to bring what you learned into your everyday life.
Medicine Provided
The microdoses consist of .11g (111mg) of psilocybe cubensis mushroom and .15g (150mg) of lion's mane powdered extract. The medicine will be provided to you as a gift. Gifting stays within the legal parameters of the resolution, that decriminalized entheogens in Arcata.
When you choose to be part of the 8-week microdosing program, firstly you will be required to have a consultation session. The consultation session is the foundation of your 8-week microdosing experience. The purpose of this session is to gain clarity on what areas you are wanting to focus on and heal in your life. Before the consultation it is important to make a self inquiry of why you are wanting to implement microdosing into your life.
During your first session, you will be gifted the medicine to bring home with you. You will be working with the medicine in the comfort of your home. Depending on the coaching package you choose, every two weeks you will be scheduled to have a coaching support session. During these coaching sessions you will be able to share your experiences with microdosing along with getting any of your questions answered. You can find the different coaching packages below. It is noteworthy to mention that you can reach out at any time for support, or to answer any questions outside of the scheduled support sessions.
Directly after the microdosing program you will be scheduled to have an integration session. During this session you will delve deeply into the insights you received during your two month microdosing experience and how you can integrate this into your day to day life.
The microdoses include .11g of psilocybe cubensis mushroom and .15g of lions mane powdered extract - these mushrooms work together to enhance cognition, and to decrease anxiety and depression. The medicine will be gifted to you. This gift stays within the legal parameters of the resolution passed that decriminalized entheogens in Arcata, CA. In order to honor the resolution, those who are under 21 years of age are unable to join the microdosing program.
Rates and Coaching Packages
Package 1:
Consultation Session
The 60 minute consultation session provides a foundation of what support is most needed for your microdosing experience. The medicine will be gifted to you during this session.
Three Support Sessions
Three 60 minute support sessions are offered every two weeks during your microdosing experience, to provide support and guidance.
Integration Session
This 60 minute session is the final support session directly after your two month experience, to help you integrate what you have learned into your daily life.
This is the total cost of your 8 week experience with microdosing. If you are in need of further support, I am always available.
Package 1 is designed for those who would benefit from the opportunity to receive the highest amount of support and guidance that is offered during the microdosing program. Sixty minutes per session provides an abundance of time to dive deep into your experience.
Package 2:
Consultation Session
The 30 minute consultation session provides a foundation of what support is most needed for your microdosing experience. The medicine will be gifted to you during this session.
Three Support Sessions
Three 30 minute support sessions are offered every two weeks during your microdosing experience, to provide support and guidance.
Integration Session
This 30 minute session is the final support session directly after your two month experience, to help you integrate what you have learned into your daily life.
This is the total cost of your 8-week experience with microdosing. If you are in need of further support, I am always available.
Package 2 is designed for those who feel they would benefit from moderate support during their microdosing journey, allowing for 30 minutes every other week to explore your experience more deeply.
Package 3:
Consultation Session
The 45 minute consultation session provides a foundation and clear direction to get the most benefit from your 8 week microdosing experience.
Integration Session
This 45 minute session is 5 to 6 weeks into your experience, to discuss your progress and to provide support for any blocks you may be experiencing.
This is the total cost of your 8-week experience with microdosing. If you are in need of further support, I am always available
Package 3 is designed for those who have had experience with microdosing and who feel confident in taking the journey without much support. During your experience if you need extra support I am always available to schedule a coaching session.
Add onto any package:
Hands on one-on-one microdosing capsule filling training
After completing the 8-week program, there is an opportunity to learn how to fill your own doses. The two hour training will provide hands on experience in making your personal microdoses. After the training you will be bringing home three months worth of medicine, along with the tools needed to fill more medicine at home.
Integration sessions for microdosing and/or macrodosing
This integration support is both for current clients, and those who are not working with me, but need some integration support. This integration session may be used to support your microdosing journey, or to support the integration process after a large dose journey. Microdoses are not included for this session.
Add on cost
This is the cost of the add on 2 hour microdosing preparation training.
Add on cost
$70 per 30 min
$100 per hour
This is the cost if you would like extra support during your microdosing experience, or after a bigger journey.
If you are interested in taking this journey, please contact Danielle to schedule your 15-minute complimentary intake call. She can be reached through email at microdosinghumboldt@gmail.com or you can call/text 707-601-4690. You can also Contact Danielle through the website portal to ask any questions you may have. Stay informed by signing up to the Microdosing Humboldt Newsletter.
The microdoses will be gifted to you. This gift stays within the legal parameters of the resolution passed in Arcata, CA that decriminalized entheogens.
Contact Danielle

I would love to hear how I can help you, and why you would like to microdose. I work with a limited number of clients to ensure the highest quality of my service.
Sessions can be done over zoom, on the phone, or in person within Arcata city limits.
801 Crescent Way, Suite 3, Arcata